中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
201704 (48期)期所有篇 |
- 當靈性與心理諮商相遇-諮商師的觀點 When Spirituality Meets Counseling: The Counselor’s Perspective
- 建立初入安置機構兒童之定向遊戲治療工作模式 Development of an Orientation Play Therapy Model for Newcomers in the Residential Child Care Institutions
- 客體角色轉化在非複雜性哀傷諮商影響之初探 The Effect of Psychotherapeutic Ritual on Uncomplicated Griever: Transforming Role of a Deceased's Internal Object
- 表達性藝術治療運用於華人文化下乳癌婦女團體方案介入之要素探究 Essential Elements of Group Intervention for Chinese Women with Breast Cancer Using Expressive Arts Therapy
- 運用舞蹈治療概念提升國中生情緒知能之研究- Vico 理念的實踐 The Application of Dance Therapy Concept to Enhancing the Emotional Intelligence of 8th Grade Junior High School Students - The G Vico Approach