中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
201608 (46期)期所有篇 |
- 兒童中心取向遊戲治療師的設限經驗初探 The Exploration of Child-Centered Play Therapists’ Limit-Setting Experiences
- 從多元文化諮商觀點探討男同志諮商實務 Counseling Practice With Gay or Bisexual Men: A Multicultural Counseling Perspective
- 正念培育歷程初探 A Pilot Study on the Process of Cultivating Mindfulness
- 從關係主義文化變遷觀點建構男性親密暴力者的分類架構 Constructing a Typology for Court-Referred Males of Intimate Partner Violence based on Changing Relationalism Perspectives
- 心理幸福感量表簡式中文版信效度及測量不變性:以大學生為樣本並兼論測量不變性議題 Reliability Validity and Measurement Invariance of the Brief Chinese Version of Psychological Well-Being Scale among College Students