中華輔導與諮商學報 Chinese Journal of Guidance and Counseling |
201604 (45期)期所有篇 |
- 跨性別者現身前後與家人互動之變化歷程 A Dyadic Study on the Interaction between a Transgender and His Family Members Before and After His Coming Out
- 促進乳癌夫妻親密關係之團體工作坊方案助益性研究 A Study on Benefits of Using a Two-Day Workshop to Facilitate Intimacy of Breast Cancer Couples
- 家庭功能對高中職學生自傷行為之影響:以述情障礙為中介變項 The Effect of Family Function on Nonsuicidal Self-Injury among Senior High School Students: The Mediating Role of Alexithymia
- 非結構式諮商團體不同歷程階段成員氣氛知覺與自我揭露因素之相關探究 Correlation Study of Members’ Climate Perceptions and Self- Disclosure Reasons in the Different Stages of Unstructured Group Counseling
- 幼兒教保系學生之社會支持、自我效能、結果預期及興趣對職業意向之影響 The Relationships among Social Support%2C Self-Efficacy%2C Outcome Expectations%2C Interest%2C and Career Intention of Early Childhood Care and Education Department Students