商管科技季刊 Commerce & Management Quarterly |
201303 (14:1期)期所有篇 |
- 科技大學生對於會計課程學習成就感之研究 A Study of Technical University Students' Learning Achievement Senses on Accounting Courses
- 採用國際會計準則對臺灣高職會計教育之影響 IFRS's Impact on Accounting Education in Vocational High Schools
- 研究發展支出增加、股票報酬與經營績效以及資訊內涵 R&D Increases, Stock Returns and Operating Performance, and Information Content
- 發展教育教學配套設計,探索學生學習經驗:實踐「個案教學」於大學部課程之教育行動研究 Exploring Pedagogical Complementary Designs and Students' Learning Experiences : The Pedagogical Action Research on The Implementation of The 'Case Teaching' in The Context of Undergraduate Courses