人文與社會研究學報 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies |
201010 (44:2期)期所有篇 |
- 「山海經校注」與袁珂的神話研究 'Shan-Hai-Jing Revision' And Yuan-Ke's Mythology Research
- 老莊哲學的自然觀對生命教育研究的意義 The Signification of Nature of Lao-Zhuang's Philosophy to study of Life Education
- 公案話本中的新風景--談「勘皮靴單證二郎神」中的紅杏出「宮」與偵探式破案 New scenery in the script for story-telling of the complicated legal case - Discuss the red apricot while ' collating document Er-Lang god of the leather boots ' goes out of ' the palace ' and solves a case with the detective type
- 明清家將小說中女將形象的演變與意涵 Ming and Qing Dynasties Jia Jiang Novels heroic woman image evolution and meaning
- 向「傳統」借火:一九六○年代臺灣「現代」詩畫的遇合--以劉國松、余光中為論述核心 Between tradition and modernity: The marriage of Taiwan Art and Poetry in 1960s by case of Yu Kwang
- 國小書法專長教師養成歷程之調查研究--以臺中市為例 A study of the develops process about calligraphy professional teacher in elementary school - Take Taichung municipal as an example