人文與社會研究學報 Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Studies |
200904 (43:1期)期所有篇 |
- 淡極始知花更豔--李紈形象面面觀 On Li-uan:A Round Character Study of the Dream of the Red Chamber
- 論「射雕英雄傳」的郭靖--以「中庸」「擇善而固執之者也」作為詮解視野 The role of Guo-jing in 'The Legend of The Condor Heroes'- an interpretation from the perspective of 'Who chooses what is good, and firmly holds it fast' in 'The Doctrine of the Mean'
- 「國語一字多音審訂表」字音整理之商榷 The pronunciations of applicability and investigation in 'Amended Table of Mandarin Characters with Variant Pronunciations.'
- 從三種政治學方法論評價統合主義--以西德經驗為例 The evaluation of corporatism in perspective of three kinds of methodology in political science - focusing on the experience of the Federal Republic of Germany
- 我國違憲審查制度之探討 Introduction of Judicial Review system in Taiwan