嘉大教育研究學刊 National Chiayi University Journal of the Educational Research |
201409 (33期)期所有篇 |
- 不同模型教學對學童方位概念學習與模型認知之研究 The Effects of Different Model Instructions on Position Concepts Learning and Understanding of Models of Primary School Students
- 北部新移民與非新移民學童國語科學習路徑之探究:智力固定觀的影響 The path of Chinese learning between immigrant and non-immigrant fourth grade students in northern Taiwan -- The impact of entity belief.
- 誰來主導學校? 現代家長與學校互動關係及啟示 Who Is in Charge of the School? Parent-School Relationships and Its Implications
- 國中臺灣史教科書政治意識型態之批判論述分析---以翰林(2013版)教材內容為例 The Critical Discourse Analysis of Political Ideology on Taiwanese History Textbooks for Junior High School--Take Han Lin Edition for example (2013)