幼兒教育年刊 Journal of Early Childhood Education |
201611 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 幼兒園家長環境知覺、知覺風險與消費決策關聯性之研究:以高雄地區為例 Relationships with the Environmental Perception%2C Perceived Risk and Consumer Decision-making for the Preschool Parents –for an example of the Kaohsiung City
- 國小附幼實施品德教育親師聯絡簿之探究 Research of character and Moral Education In Elementary School Affiliated Preschool Via Character Educational Parent-Teacher Communication Handbook
- 社工人員、教保人員與家長對早期療育到宅服務觀點之探討 The Perspectives of Social Workers, Early Childhood Teachers and Caregivers of Children with Developmental Delay on Home-Based Services
- 評量學前幼兒的語言能力——探究提供對錯回饋的效果 Assessing preschoolers’ language ability: Exploring the effect of providing immediate feedback