王船山的歷史觀──從目的論觀點的討論 The Historical Perspective of Wang Chuan-Shan-A Study from the Viewpoint of Teleology
膠州灣事件後中日關係的轉變:兼論日本對華外交的多元性 The Shift of Sino-Japanese Relations after the Jiaozhou Bay Incident: With a Study on the Pluralism of the Japanese Diplomacy towards China
國家司法與民族自尊:牛蘭事件下的政治角力 National Justice and National Dignity:Political Wrangling for The Noulens Affair
廣西「瞞產私分」的意義及影響 The Significance and Influence of ''Private Apportionment of Concealed Harvest'' in Guangxi