國立政治大學歷史學報 The Journal of History |
201805 (49期)期所有篇 |
- 君子致權──陽明晚年政治思想新探 From ”Entrusted to Fulfill the Goal by Emperor” Switch into “Offering Power to the Junzi”. A New Study of Wang Yangming’s Political Thought
- 彭真在中共延安整風運動中的角色和活動(1941-1945) Peng Zhen’s Roles and Activities in the Yan’an Rectification Movement of the Chinese Communist Party (1941-1945)
- 何世禮與《中日和約》的簽訂──中華民國駐日代表團的角色 Ho Shailai and the Signature of the Sino-Japanese Peace Treaty: The Role of the Chinese Mission in Japan
- 由中華民國對在臺創價學會與公明黨的因應看中華民國的東亞冷戰局勢理解 The Action of ROC for Soka Gakkai and Komeito in Taiwan and Its Perception for the East Asian Cold War Situation