國立政治大學歷史學報 The Journal of History |
201505 (43期)期所有篇 |
- 漢唐間州郡治所的選擇:以河北政區為例 The Choice of the Location of the Local Governments between the Han and Tang Eras: the Case of the Hebei Area
- 從圖像看日本對甲午戰爭的宣傳 Through the Iconic Ukiyo-e: Meiji Japan’s Propaganda Effort in the First Sino-Japanese War
- 國立故宮博物院所藏《中德膠澳條約》及相關輿圖說明:兼論膠州灣租借交涉 The Study of Convention Respecting the Lease of Kiaochow between China and Germany from the NPM Collection: and Discussion the Relative to the Concession at Kwang-Chou-Wan
- 「歷史藝術論」與中國新學的反省意識 On the Art of Historiography and the Introspection Consciousness in Neo-Historiography
- 歐戰爆發後中美經濟交往的關係網:兼論「美國亞洲協會」的主張 Business and Economic Networks at Work in China during the First World War: the Case of American Asiatic Association and Sino-American Relations
- 宗教空間的改造:新加坡淡濱尼聯合宮的「道教化」