清代商工群體中的客長 “Ke-zhang” of the Merchants and Handicraftsmen's Groups in the Qing Dynasty
從士大夫到外交官的轉變:由汪大燮的經歷看清末民初外交官形成的一種模式 From a Scholar-official to a Diplomat: Another Pattern of the Formation of Diplomats in Late Qing Dynasty and Early Republican China
中國農業機械公司與中國近代農業機械化發展(1943-1949) The National Agricultural Engineering Corporation and the Development of Farm Mechanization of Modern China, 1943-1949
書寫與塑造:1949年「五四」政治話語及政治形象在大陸的確立:以「胡適思想批判」運動為中心的討論 Writing and Shaping: the Establishment of Political Discourse and Political Image "May Fourth" in Chinese Mainland after 1949-A Discussion Centered on the Anti-Hu Shi Campaign