通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
201712 (20期)期所有篇 |
- 21世紀大學理念的激盪與通識教育的展望 The Confluence of Ideas on the University and Prospects of General Education in the 21st Century
- 從珍‧馬丁的性別敏銳看女性特質與女子教育 An Exploration of Feminine Characteristics and Women’s Education Through Jane Roland Martin’s Gender Sensitivity Theory
- 大學生在線上通識藝術教育中的學習成效 College Students’ Learning Outcomes in an E-Art Education
- 長庚大學通識核心課程之改革:理念、歷程與反思 The Reforming in Core Curriculum of General Education: The Chang Gung University Experience