通識教育學刊 Taiwan Journal of General Education |
200806 (1期)期所有篇 |
- 邁向新人文主義的建構--全球化歷程文化同異對教育的挑戰 Towards a New Idea of Humankind-Unity and Difference of Cultures as a Challenge for Education in the Globalizing Process
- 全球化與大中華圈的高等教育:趨勢與問題 Globalization and Higher Education in Greater China: Trends and Challenges
- 核心課程與分類課程選修的比較--從哈佛大學通識課程改革說起 Comparisons of Core Curriculum and Distribution Requirement: Reflections Based on Harvard's Recent Reform on General Education
- “生命科學概論--以生物產業觀點為出發”一項通識教育課程之改進 Introduction of Life Science-A Bioindustrial Point of View'-A Course under the Project for the Enhancement of General Education
- 大學生全人教育目標知覺、校園參與經驗及學習成果之相關研究--以中原大學為例 Relationships among University Students' Perceptions of the Goal of Holistic Education, the Campus Experience and the Learning Outcome: The Example from the Chung Yuan Christian University
- 書評:失去靈魂的優秀 Book Review: Excellence without Soul