聚半乳醣醛酸偶合肉桂之合成、定性與生醫應用 Synthesis and Characterization of Cinnamated Polygalacturonic Acid for Biomedical Application
探討自殺遺族認定之不同自殺成因歸類及其心理衝擊歷程與因應模式 Classification of main reasons for suicide identified by suicide survivors and their psychological impact and response patterns in Taiwan
評估接受底片式乳房攝影病患之平均乳腺劑量--年齡之影響 A survey of average glandular dose to patients undergoing screen/film mammography-the influence of age
臨床心理師的工作壓力、專業認同及其對心理困擾、離職意圖及轉業意圖之影響 Work Stress and Professional Identity in Taiwanese Clinical Psychologist and the Effects on Psychological Distress, Turnover Intention, and Intention to Change Professions
應用於智慧型手機的個人健康飲食與熱量監控系統使用模糊推論 Personal Healthy Diet and Calorie Monitoring System using Fuzzy Inference in Smart Phones
大甲媽祖繞境活動之緊急醫療救護事件:台灣四年經驗,2007-2010年 Emergency medical events at the Da Jia Mazu's patrol and pilgrimage: A four-year multiple-center experiences in Taiwan, 2007-2010