醫療品質雜誌 Journal of Healthcare Quality |
202301 (17:1期)期所有篇 |
- 2022臺灣智慧醫療發展現況調查 2022 Survey on the Developmental Trend of Smart eHealth in Taiwan
- 協助精神病人跨越社區生活障礙:康復導向個案管理 Assisting People with Psychosis to Overcome Obstacles to Living in the Community: Recovery-Oriented Case Management
- 新北市社區心理衛生中心跨域資源整合服務模式 Integrative Service Model to Integrate Interdisciplinary Resources of Community Mental Health Centers in New Taipei City
- 彰化縣社區心理衛生中心實務經驗分享 Practical experiences from the Changhua County Community Mental Health Center
- 社會安全網下的轉型,看見需要而成為必要:花蓮縣身心健康及成癮防治所 Transforming the Social Security Network to Raise Awareness of Needs and to Identify Necessities in Physical and Mental Health: Hualien County Center for Mental Health and Prevention of Addiction
- 新冠肺炎疫情下應用陪病訪客資訊系統管理成效評估之探討 Digitalization of Hospital Visiting Regulations during the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 住院期間非計畫性重返手術室之相關因素探討 Risk Factors for Unplanned Return to the Operating Room During Hospitalization
- 臺灣心理衛生社工於社區心理衛生中心之布建 Deployment of Mental Health Social Workers in Community Mental Health Centers in Taiwan
- 可信賴專業活動於兒癌心理照護之經驗分享 Entrustable Professional Activities in Psychological Care for Children with Cancer: A Case Study
- 以病人為中心的整合照護—義大醫院經驗分享 Value of Patient-Centered Integrated Care: Experience Sharing from E-Da Hospital
- 在COVID-19 疫情時代的抗生素管理 Antibiotics Stewardship During the Ongoing COVID-19 Pandemic
- 周產期醫療照護的性別意識—從「消除對婦女一切形式歧視公約」檢視 Gender Awareness in Perinatal Care: From the Perspective of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women