醫療品質雜誌 Journal of Healthcare Quality |
202207 (16:4期)期所有篇 |
- 醫療科技問題與病人安全風險學習平台成果與展望 The Achievements and Future of Information Technology related Patient Safety
- 「科技讓護理更從容、護理讓科技更溫柔」—醫療科技結合流程再造之資訊系統開發經驗分享 “Making Nursing Care Easier via Technology and Technology More Friendly Through Nursing Care”: Experience Sharing of Developing an Information System by Combining Healthcare Technology and Process Reengineering
- 參與「醫療科技問題與病人安全風險學習平台(ITPS)」經驗分享 Experience Sharing on Information Technology related Patient Safety Program
- 以機器學習法建立糖尿病營養衛教門診病人血糖變化之預測模型與系統以輔助臨床決策 Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Build a Prediction Model and System for Blood Sugar Change that Assists Nutritional Decision-Making for Diabetes Mellitus
- 從彭博的新冠肺炎疫情韌性國際評比論組織韌性與人員復原力開發 Development of Organizational and Human Resilience Extending from the Knowledge of Bloomberg's COVID Resilience Ranking
- 以專案管理提升住院期間非計畫重返手術室指標正確性 Improve the Accuracy of Indicators of Unplanned Reoperation Through Project Management
- 提升急性缺血性腦中風病人抵達急診120分鐘內接受動脈內機械取栓術治療達成率 Improving Door-to-Puncture Time in the Emergency Department for Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke Undergoing Endovascular Thrombectomy
- 臺灣的高齡友善環境因應身心障礙者權利公約(CRPD)如何實踐通用設計之論述—以鄰里公園、長照機構、醫院為例 Implementation of Universal Design in Taiwan's Age-Friendly Environments in Response to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD)- The Example of Neighborhood Parks, Long-Term Care Institutions, and Hospitals
- 佛教慈濟醫療財團法人花蓮慈濟醫院疾病照護品質認證經驗分享 The Reflections on Disease Specific Care Certification Program in Hualien Tzu Chi Hospital, Buddhist Tzu Chi Medical Foundation
- AI與智慧醫療—讓演算法幫助你活得更健康也更久 Improving Human Health and Lifespan through Artificial Intelligence and Smart Healthcare
- 與新冠肺炎共存下的兒童及青少年疫苗觀點 The Viewpoint of Pediatric Vaccination During the COVID-19 Pandemic
- 醫療照護場域之性別與健康 Gender and Health in Healthcare Venues