學校衛生 Chinese Journal of School Health |
201212 (61期)期所有篇 |
- 分析小學高年級生健康行為現況與影響健康狀況之因素 Analyses of the fifth and sixth graders' health behaviors and factors affecting their health status in Taiwan
- 臺北市國民小學推動國際安全學校之執行成效研究 Effectiveness of the implementation of international safe school studies at the elementary schools in Taipei City
- 新竹市某國中學生吸菸行為及意向與知覺家長預防吸菸措施相關因素之研究 A study on the smoking behavior, smoking intention, and perceived parental preventive strategies among the junior high school students in sinchu City
- 小學生第一次接觸死亡事件之反應——以臺北市某國小六年級學生為例 The first death experience of sixth-grade students and their responses - a Taipei municipal elementary school as an example
- 台灣桃園地區中輟生成癮物質使用之路徑模式 Path model of substance use among school dropouts in Taoyuan, Taiwan