學校衛生 Chinese Journal of School Health |
201112 (59期)期所有篇 |
- 臺北市高中學生危害健康行為及其相關因素之研究 The risk at health behaviors and their related factors among the senior high school students in Taipei City
- 高中職吸菸學生戒菸行為意圖及其影響因素之研究 The behavioral intentions of smoking cessation and influential factors among the smoking students in the senior and vocational high school
- 以Pender健康促進模式探討新北市國小高年級學童拒菸行為之研究 Influencing factors of elementary school students' anti-smoking behavior in New Taipei City by the perspective of Pender’s health promotion model
- 臺北市士林區國中生假日採行休閒身體活動行為意圖及影響因素之探討 The behavioral intention and factors affecting leisure-time physical activities on the holidays of junior high school students in Shilin district of Taipei City
- 大學生性別角色、共依附與愛情態度之相關研究 The relationship of sex role with codependency and love attitudes for college students