訴訟移送有關問題之研究 A Study of Issues Related to Legal Suit Transfers
法律性突襲裁判之研究 A Study of Surprising Verdicts on Legal Issues
論民事訴訟法修正條文中法官之闡明義務與當事人之事案解明義務 Judges Clarification Obligation and Parties Obligation to Explain Cases as Stipulated in the Amended Articles of the Code of Civil Procedure
論行政訴訟準用法規之失靈 The Inapplicability of Mutatis Mutandis Stipulations in Administrative Proceedings
刑事訴訟法上之請求與聲請 The Right of Claim and Petition under the Criminal Procedure Code
數位化網際網路環境對重製權之衝擊與因應 The Impact of the Internet is Digitized Environment on the Duplication Right and Ensuing Responses
從參加人得否提起再審之訴--最高法院六十八年度臺抗第三九八號判例評釋 Is the Participant in a Suit Entitled to Petition for Re-trial?--A Commentary on the Supreme Court Case Tai-Kung Tze, No. 398, (1979)