200002 (109期)期所有篇 |
- 編輯的話
- 外國廠商與政府採購法相關問題 Issues as between Foreign Companies and the Government Procurement Law
- 試論政府採購法之基本原則 On the Fundamental Principles of the Government Procurement Law
- 中小企業法規調適分析--政府採購法篇 Analyzing the Adaptation to Laws Governing Small to Mid-size Businesses--The Governmental Procurement Law Chapter
- 關於徵收補償費代償請求事件之爭點整理 Clarification of Issuse in Relation to Claims for the Payment Subrogated from Compemsation Claim for Government Taking
- 由憲法學理論國大延任修憲案的合憲性 Examining the Constitutionality of the Case of National Representatives Office-term Extension in Light of Constitutional Theories
- 論我國婦女人身安全與兩性平權之立法運動 On Taiwans Movement Advocating Legislation for Promoting Womens Personal Safety and Equal Right
- 論不完全給付可歸責性要件之舉證責任分配 On the Division of the Burden for Proving Various Elements of Fault of an Incomplete Performance of Obligation
- 有限公司董事之變更 Changes of Directors in Limited Companies
- 無表決權股東與股東會 Shareholders or Shareholders Meeting with No Voting Powers Vested
- 婚約無效之損害賠償
- 刑事簡易程序中之撤回告訴 Charge Withdrawal in Criminal Simplified Procedure
- 保險人解除權行使對象問題--臺灣最高法院82年臺上字第279號判決評析 The Issue of Which Party to Whom an Insurer Shall Exercise Its Right of Rescission
- 行政處分機關的認定 Determining the Exact Administrative Agency with Respect to Certain Administrative Act