「誠實信用原則」與「情事變更原則」如何適用於工程展期糾紛? On the Application of 「Doctrine of Good Faith」and 「Doctrine of Unforeseen Change of Circumstances」in Disputes of Construction Due-Date Extension
投標切結書中,切結人之名稱「AB投資開發有限公司」「誤」為「AB實業股份有限公司」,投標是否有效? If in the Bid Affidavit, the Name of Its Issuer「AB Investment & Development Incorporated」is Mistakenly Stated as 「AB Industries Incorporated,」is the Bid Tender Effective?
從政府採購爭議案例談工程合約管理 On Construction Contract Management as Viewed from Cases of Government Procurement Disputes
論仲裁人的選任與迴避(下) The Appointment and Recusal of Arbitrators (Part 2)
我國新海商法有關船舶所有人責任限制法制之批評及再修訂建議 A Critique and Suggestions for Further Amendments Regarding Vessel Owners Liability Limitations in ROCs Newly Amended Maritime Law
台肥案的省思--從公司法第十三條及第十五條規定之立法史談起 Reflections on Taiwan Fertilizer Case--a Discussion of the Legislative History of Articles 13 & 15 of the Company Law
恢復羈押被告自由之方法 Methods for Restoring Freedom to the Defendants in Detention