199908 (106期)期所有篇 |
- 編輯的話
- 釋字四六九號國賠之省思 Comments on the Interpretation by the Grand Justices Regarding State Compensation, Shi Tze No.469
- 大法官會議釋字第四六九號解釋以後對公務員可能造成的衝擊 Possible Repercussion to Government Officials as a Result of the Interpretation by the Grand Justices, Shi Tze No.469
- 對於依法申請案件之行政不作為與國家賠償 On the Legal Effect Regarding State Compensation in Connection with the Administrative Omission with Respect to a Lawful Application
- 我國新海商法「貨物運送人責任制度」論析 An Analysis on the 「The Liability Limitation of the Cargo Carrier」 as Prescribed by the Newly Amended Maritime Law
- 遺產分割之限制 Restrictions on the Division and Distribution of Inherited Property
- 保險人之告知或通知義務--臺灣高雄地方法院82年保險字第16號判決評析 The Duty of Disclosure or Notification by the Insured
- 故意不純正不作為未遂犯 The Commission of Attempted Crime by Quasi Criminal Omission
- 羈押期間之計算與延長 The Period of Detention--Its Determination and Extension
- 新行政訴訟種類的正確選取 On Selecting the Right Kind of Litigation Under the New Code of Administrative Proceedings
- 典權取得時效之研究--最高法院八十四年度臺上字第二0六二號民事判決評釋 Requisite Tile-Acquisition Period in Dien-Right
- 既判力是否及於直接占有人--最高法院七十二年度臺再字第一0五號判決評釋 Does the Effect of Res Judicata Extend to the Party Having Direct Possession of the Targeted Object?
- 法律千條萬條不始黃金一條? Is One Bar of Gold Worth More Than Tens of Thousands of Law Articles?