國立臺灣大學法學論叢 National Taiwan University Law Journal |
200107 (30:4期)期所有篇 |
- 論行政程序法中律師之功能 The Function of Lawyer under Administrative Procedure
- 公立大學教師申訴制度分析 論升等案與大法官釋字第四六二號解釋 The Problems of the Grievance Procedure in Taiwan's Public Universities:An Analysis of Teachers' Promotion Cases and the No.462 Interpretation of the Grand Justices
- 論檢察官之最後辯論行為 以德國法為中心 On the Closing Argument Given by the Prosecution in Criminal Trial--Focused on German Practice
- 法國侵權責任法上損害之概念 La Notion de Prejudice en Droit Francais de la Responsabilite Delictuelle
- 論商業方法、電子商務相關發明之專利保護 理論與實務之探討 Business Method, E-Commerce and Patent Protection