國立中正大學法學集刊 National Chung Cheng University Law Journal
202307 (80期)期所有篇
政府監管大型社交網路平台審查言論的合憲性探討——以美國佛羅里達州參議院第7072號法案為核心 The Constitutionality of Government Regulation of Large Social Network Platforms to Censor Speech: Focusing on U.S. Florida Senate Bill 7072
論保險契約解釋——以防疫保單理賠爭議為中心 A Study on the Interpretation of Insurance Contract: Focusing on the Insurance Claim of Pandemic Policies
稅捐稽徵機關對裁判憲法審查的因應之道 Responding to the Judicial Review of the Court Decisions on the Taxation
受刑人投票權之發展與實踐 The Development and Practice of Prisoners’Voting