高大法學論叢 National Universisty of Kaohsiung Law Journal |
201709 (13:1期)期所有篇 |
- 大陸仲裁判斷在臺灣之認可與執行——兼論最高法院104年度台上字第33號民事判決 The Recognition and Enforcement of China’s Arbitral Awards in Taiwan- Also Commenting on the (104) Tai-Shang on No.33 Decision Rendered by the Supreme Court
- 違反財產申報規定的處罰規範與檢討 The Review for Penalties in Illegal Property-Declaration
- 警犬使用與搜索、臨檢——美國法對我國法制之啟示 Dog Sniffs and the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution- Implications to Taiwanese Norms
- 無名契約典型化之因素 The Elements for the Typification of a Contract