高大法學論叢 National Universisty of Kaohsiung Law Journal |
200507 (1:1期)期所有篇 |
- 認領否認之理論與實務之研究 The Theory and Practics on the Contest of Acknowledgement
- 動產擔保交易法第二八條第一項第一款釋義上之疑問 Dogmatical Issues upon Article 28, Paragraph 1, Subparagraph 1 of the Act of Secured Transaction for Movable Property
- 從法律言說行為理論談違憲宣告的效力 The Judicial Speech Acts and the Validity of Constitutional Review's Decisions
- 從民營化觀點論公民合資公司之基本權能力 Grundrechtsfähigkeit gemischt-wirtschaftlicher Unternehmen unter dem Blickwinkel der Privatisierung
- 論我國文官中立法制化及其規範效果 Examining the Enacting of Civil Service Neutrality and What Subject to Its Control
- 一九九O年代日本選舉制度改革及其影響之分析 The Evolution and Analysis of the Japanese Electoral System and Party Politics after1990s
- 法院地法對侵權行為準據法限制條款與公序良俗條款之關係 Verhätnis von ordere public zur Privilegierung der lex fori