201801 期所有篇 |
- Ecological Conversion in the Light of Lonergan's Threefold Understanding of Conversion-Intellectual, Moral and Religious Ecological Conversion in the Light of Lonergan's Threefold Understanding of Conversion-Intellectual, Moral and Religious
- Towards a Cognitive Healing for an Authentic Encounter of the Religious Other: Special Reference to Lonergan's Thought Towards a Cognitive Healing for an Authentic Encounter of the Religious Other: Special Reference to Lonergan's Thought
- 郎尼根神學方法的傳承與創新
- 郎尼根神學方法的八項功能專務評析
- 潛能與目的--郎尼根《洞察》第十五章第五節釋義
- 多瑪斯主義與科學思想的同態結構:郎尼根的觀點
- Book Review: Elizabeth Johnson, ?Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love?(London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2014) Book Review: Elizabeth Johnson, ?Ask the Beasts: Darwin and the God of Love?(London: Bloomsbury Continuum, 2014)
- Book Review: John F. Haught, ?Science and Faith: A New Introduction? (New York: Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2012) Book Review: John F. Haught, ?Science and Faith: A New Introduction? (New York: Mahwah, NJ: Paulist Press, 2012)
- 身體、隱喻與對話:從《莊子》到《老子中經》的道家靈修與論述
- 劉宗周《中庸》詮釋方法研究
- 遭遇「先聖」--析朱熹祭孔儀式中的情感經驗及其意義
- 韓國陽明學者鄭齊斗的人心道心說研究