科技、醫療與社會 Taiwanese Journal of Studies for Science, Technology, and Medicine |
202210 (35期)期所有篇 |
- 科學實作轉向的新發現之二:「科學實作哲學」專輯第二輯導言 Special Issue: Introduction 2
- 重探孔恩科學變遷理論:從科學共同體到工作群組 Rethinking Kuhn's Theory of Scientific Changes: From Scientific Communities to Working Groups
- 高引用論文作為科學社群在自我組織過程中的動力學因素:以諾貝爾獎研究議題的發展為例 Highly Cited Research Papers as a Dynamic Factor in the Self-organization Process of Scientific Communities: Case Study of the Development of Nobel Prize Laureates’Research as an Example
- 拼裝公民科技:黑客、鄉民、與資料行動主義 Assembling Civic Technologies: Hackers, Netizens, and Data Activism
- 在平面圖與展場間浮現:行動者網絡觀點下的裝置藝術研究 From Floor Plans and Exhibition Galleries It Emerges: An Actor- Network Studies of the Installation Art in the Making
- 永續性設計建議的涓滴拼裝:評Hung, Ching (2019). Design for Green: Ethics and Politics for Behavior-Steering Technology. Eindhoven, The Netherlands: 4TU. Centre for Ethics and Technology Piecemeal Reassembling of the Sustainable Design Suggestions: Review of Hung, Ching (2019). Design for Green: Ethics and Politics for Behavior-Steering Technology. Eindhoven, The Netherlands: 4TU. Centre for Ethics and Technology.
- 毒藥的利害:評Liu, Yan (2021). Healing with Poisons: Potent Medicines in Medieval China. Seattle: University of Washington Press. The Poison-Medicine Paradox: Review of Liu, Yan (2021). Healing with Poisons: Potent Medicines in Medieval China. Seattle: University of Washington Press.
- 「現象」與「詮釋」之外:貝斯蘭姆心理博物館觀察 Beyond Hermeneutic Phenomenology: Visiting Bethlem Museum of the Mind
- 臺灣科技與社會研究學會2021年年會大會主題演講:原住民族科技知識與表觀基因研究的相遇 Keynote Speech at the 2021 Taiwan STS Association Annual Conference: The Meeting of Indigenous & Scientific Knowledges in Epigenetic Science
- 從STS到博雅通識:跟著《科技.社會.人4》去旅行 From STS to Liberal Arts Education: Travel with Technoscience, Society, and Human Beings 4
- STS新人發聲:葉筱凡