孔恩、布洛爾與對稱性原則 Thomas Kuhn, David Bloor, and the Principle of Symmetry
見微知著:從具體個案看《科學革命的結構》與「世界改變」之影響 A Tiny Clue Reveals a General Trend: Examining the Influence of The Structure of Scientific Revolution and “World Change” via a Concrete Case Study
規則依循與科學知識的社會學 Rule-Following and Sociology of Scientific Knowledge
孔恩與經濟學知識的增長 Kuhn and the Growth of Economic Knowledge
革命、演化與拼裝:從HPS到STS,從歐美到台灣 Revolution, Evolution and Reassemblage: From HPS to STS and From Euro-America to Taiwan
追尋「小」孔恩傳統:愛丁堡學派的孔恩 理解及其在華文世界的進展 Tracing Thomas S. Kuhn's Contribution through the Lens of Edinburgh School: A Cross-Strait Perspective