科技、醫療與社會 Taiwanese Journal of Studies for Science, Technology, and Medicine
201204 (14期)期所有篇
肥胖科學、醫療化與性別身體政治 Science of Fat, Medicalisation and Gender Body Politics
流動的成年禮:中國西南的毒品與愛滋病 Navigating Youthfulness: Heroin and AIDS in Southwest China
優性與優孕:優生運動與中國現代生育健康,1950-2000 Better Sex and Better Conception? Eugenics and Reproductive Health in China, 1950-2000
工程實驗室的陽剛化及穩定機制 The Masculinization of an Engineering Laboratory
如何克服公衛訴訟中因果推論的難題:法律系統面對風險社會的一個挑戰 Overcoming Difficulties in Causal Inference in Public Health Litigations: A Challenge that Legal System Faces in a Risk Society