日治時期台灣細菌學研究機構的發展史淺析——以士林支所及其細菌性製劑為中心的觀察 On a Research Institutions of Bacteriology in Japan-Ruled Taiwan: A Case Study of the Shihlin Branch and Its Bacterial Products
子午流注中醫預測模型的建構 Building a TCM Predictive Model of "Midnight-Midday Ebb Flow"
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工程倫理的積極責任-回應〈台灣工程倫理回顧及科技與社會取徑〉 Active Responsibilities in Engineering Ethics: Some Additional Thoughts to "A Review of Engineering Ethics in Taiwan from the STS perspective"
STS與工程倫理的差異及其他:回應張國暉 The Difference between STS and Engineering Ethics, and Others: A Reply to Kuo-Hui Chang