法学评论 Law Review |
202401 (42:1期)期所有篇 |
- 供卡人掐卡、取款的行為性質 The Nature of Card Provider's Conduct of Cutting off and Withdrawing of the Bank Card
- 企業合規管理體系建設的兩種模式 Two Modes of Enterprise Compliance Management System
- 審判階段推進涉案企業合規改革的法理與路徑 The Legal Theory and Path of Promoting the Compliance Reform of the Involved Enterprises in the Trial Stage
- 學術爭鳴與中國法理學的發展 Debates and the Development of Chinese Jurisprudence
- 香港特區緊急權力法律規範:困局與破局 Emergency Law in HKSAR: Dilemma and Break
- 重塑破產程序中的待履行合同──以“限縮的功能主義”為視角 Reform Executory Contract in Bankruptcy Proceedings: from Restricted Functional Approach
- 違反強制性規定的侵權責任構成 Constitutive Requirement of Tort Liability against Mandatory Provisions
- 論人格權侵權責任認定中的構成要件與利益權衡 Elements of Liability and Balancing of Interests in Determining Personality Rights Infringement
- 大金融監管格局下證券交易配資的屬性統合與規制思路 Integration and Regulation of Stock Exchange Allocation
- 行政覆議前置設定的法治實踐 The Rule of Law Practice of Prepositive Administrative Reconsideration
- 行政覆議與訴訟中的規章:定位區分、立法邏輯與適用展開 Administrative Review and Litigation Rules: Location Differentiation, Legislative Logic and Applicable Expansion
- 新《行政覆議法》中的變更決定及其完善 The Alteration Decision and Its Improvement in the New Administrative Reconsideration Law
- 司法專門化視域下涉碳案件集中管轄研究 Research on the Centralized Jurisdiction of Carbon-related Cases from the Perspective of Judicial Specialization
- 論涉外結婚條件條款的法律適用 The Application of Foreign-related Marriage Condition Provision
- 技藝和程序:刑法修正的檢視——《刑法修正案(十二)》新增民企工作人員犯罪條款的展開 Techniques and Procedures: A Review of Criminal Law Amendments-Beginning with the Addition of Criminal Provisions for Private Enterprise Staffs
- “婚姻締結”與“結婚登記”的二元化規制——《民法典》第1049條的法教義學重構 The Dual Normative Structure of Marriage Conclusion: the Doctrinal Interpretation of Article 1049 of the Chinese Civil Code