東吳法律學報 Soochow Law Review |
201810 (30:2期)期所有篇 |
- 食品安全風險規範之「三級品管」制度 The Three-tier Quality Control System for the Risk Regulation of Food Safety
- 論明訂「預定交易計畫」作為內線交易抗辯事由之必要性 Is it necessary to legislate “trading plan" as an affirmative defense to insider trading? -Evaluation under Taiwan Securities Regulations
- 職業運動員人才契約的道德條款──以美國四大職業運動聯盟及中華職棒大聯盟為中心 Morals Clauses in Professional Athletes' Talent Contracts -Focusing on the “Big Four" of the United States and the Chinese Professional Baseball League of Taiwan