亞洲家庭暴力與性侵害期刊 Asian Journal of Domestic Violence and Sexual Offense |
201912 (15:2期)期所有篇 |
- 家暴加害人團體諮商與輔導介入效果之探討:以URICA為例 The study on the effectiveness of group counseling program for batterers: Using URICA as an example
- 成年男性性侵被害之創傷與調適 Post-Traumatic Responses and Coping Experience of Male Sex Assault Victims
- 少年性侵害行為人靜態再犯危險因子之專家效度初探 Exploration on the Static Risk Factors of Juvenile Sexual Offenders
- 突破障礙還是創造障礙?社會工作觀點對臺灣智能障礙者性侵害防治服務的省思 Overcoming Obstacles or Creating Obstacles? Reflections on Sexual Assault Prevention and Services for People with Intellectual Disability in Taiwan-From the Perspective of Social Work