亞洲家庭暴力與性侵害期刊 Asian Journal of Domestic Violence and Sexual Offense |
201112 (7:2期)期所有篇 |
- 醫務社工人員處遇兒童虐待個案的經驗 Medical social workers' experiences in managing child abuse
- 病態性倒錯之暴露症者刑事處分與處遇 Criminal Disposal and Treatment of Exhibitionism
- 中國大陸家庭暴力干預面臨的挑戰與展望 The Challenge and Future of Domestic Violence Intervention in Mainland China
- 台中市婚姻暴力加害人訪視社會工作方案之成效 The Efficacy Study for the New Program of Caring Visitation Service for Spousal Abusers in Taiwan
- 再犯預防與敘事療法之衝突與對策 The Conflict between the Relapse Prevention and Narrative Therapy and It's Solutions