身心障礙研究 Journal of Disability Research |
202209 (20:1期)期所有篇 |
- 使用即時回饋系統對國中學習障礙學生自我效能之成效 The Effectiveness of Using Interactive Response System on Self-efficacy of Students with Learning Disabilities in Junior High School
- 特殊需求幼兒同儕關係研究之文獻回顧 Literature Review of Research on Peer Relationships of Young Children with Special Needs
- 探討跨專業團隊醫療事件合作經驗──以精神醫療社工為例 Exploring Medical Incident Cooperation Experience in Trans Disciplinary Team-taking Mental Health Social Workers as an Example
- 選擇性緘默症克童幼小轉銜準備及復原歷程之研究 Study of Preschool Transition and Resilience on an Elementary Student with Selective Mutism
- 地板滾球課程介入對三位輕度智能陣礙國中生身體協調功能之提升觀察紀錄 Investigation on the Effectiveness of Gross Motor of Students with Mild Intellectual Disability in Junior High School with Boccia