犯罪學期刊 Journal of Criminology |
201306 (16:1期)期所有篇 |
- 資訊通信科技與犯罪率之實證研究 An empirical study of the relationship between ICT and crime rate
- 評估「管制物質類似物執行條例」於我國施行之可能性 To Evaluate the Practicability of the Performance of the Controlled Substance Analogue Enforcement Act in Taiwan
- 警員使用槍枝的自動化與控制式歷程分離研究之回顧 The process dissociation of automatic and controlled process during police using firearms research review
- 非傳統安全的視角:金門地區犯罪趨報之研究 Non-traditional security perspective: A Study of Crime Trends in Kinmen
- 小學生家長與大學生對國內性侵者實施梅根法案看法與建議之前導性研究 The Pilot Study for the Perception of the College Strdents and the Parents of Primary School Students about the Magan's Law and Its Implementation in Taiwan