台灣社會福利學刊 Taiwan Journal of Social Welfare |
202212 (18:2期)期所有篇 |
- 轉化或重構:國民年金保險制度調整之研究 Transformation or Reconstruction: System Reform to the National Pension Insurance System
- 不同的家庭主義模型?臺灣和澳門友善家庭政策比較初探 Different Models of Familism? A Preliminary Study Comparison Family-Friendly Policies Between Taiwan and Macao
- 養護機構實施飲食、懷舊健康促進團體對高齡住民社會心理健康意義之初探性研究 A Preliminary Study of the Meaning of the Dietary Health Promotion and Reminiscence Group for the Elders' Social-Psychological Health in Nursing Institutions