文官制度 Journal of Civil Service |
201904 (11:2期)期所有篇 |
- 政策設計析論:長期照顧政策為例 Invited Essay―Policy Design: A Case Study of Long-Term Care Policy
- 潛在文官人才養成的第一哩路:大學多元入學方式的效度分析 The First Stage for Cultivating Future Civil Servants: An Analysis of the Validity of the College Multiple Entrance Program
- 原住民族自治的善治課題:課責的挑戰 Achieving Good Governance for Indigenous Self-government: Some Challenges in Taiwan
- 新加坡臺籍輔助警察案例之研究 Singapore Auxiliary Police Recruitment: The Case of Taiwan Recruits
- 書評--Dvora Yanow「詮釋性的政策分析」 Book Review―How Does a Policy Mean? Interpreting Policy and Organizational Actions