明清嘉興楞嚴寺《嘉興藏》之刊印與其海內外流通 The Publication of the Jiaxing Edition of the Buddhist Canon in the Ming and Qing Dynasties and its Domestic and Overseas Circulation
「龍子」與「舍利」──萬曆二十年紫柏真可的努力和局限 From Longzi to Relic: Master Zibo Zhenke's Endeavors and their Limits in the 20th year of the Wanli Period
清代治臺初期的佛教──以《蓉洲詩文稿選輯‧東寧政事集》為中心 Buddhism in Taiwan during the Early Qing: in Light of the Newly Discovered Dongning zhengshi ji
越南所藏明清佛教稀見文獻初探 A Preliminary Study of Ming and Qing Chinese Buddhist Texts in Vietnam