200503 (50:1期)期所有篇 |
- 斑葉蘭族群(II) Notulae Goodyerinae (II)
- 台灣三種新紀錄蚯蚓:潮間泮蚓Pontodrilus litoralis(Grube, 1855),霍氏腔環蚓Metaphire houlleti(Perrier, 1872)以及紅釣蚓Eiseniella tetraedra(Savigny, 1826) Occurrence of the Earthworms Pontodrilus litoralis (Grube, 1855), Metaphire houlleti (Perrier, 1872), and Eiseniella tetraedra (Savigny, 1826) from Taiwan
- 台灣管狀孢子囊接合菌之研究(V):兩種下梳黴屬新紀錄種 The Merosporangiferous Fungi from Taiwan (V): Two New Records of Coemansia (Kickxellaceae, Kickxellales, Zygomycetes)
- 三種台灣新歸化植物 Notes on Three Newly Naturalized Plants in Taiwan
- 台灣神祕湖的矽藻(II) Diatoms of the Mystery Lake, Taiwan (II)
- 台灣產舖地蜈蚣屬(薔薇科)一新紀錄種——矮生栒子 Cotoneaster dammeri Schneid. (Rosaceae): A New Record to the Flora of Taiwan
- 菊科外來歸化植物之入侵性初步探討 Potential Asteraceae Invaders in Taiwan: Insights from the Flora and Herbarium Records of Casual and Naturalized Alien Species