爵床(爵床科)種子發芽過程子葉內碳酸鈣沉積物的形成 Formation of Calcium Carbonate Deposition in the Cotyledons during the Germination of Justicia procumbens L. (Acanthaceae) Seeds
玉米β-澱粉酶不參與種子萌芽後之胚乳澱粉的降解作用 β-Amylase is not Involved in Degradation of Endosperm Starch During Seed Germination of Maize
石松類和瓶爾小草葉綠體matK基因之鑑定與matK基因的演化 The Evolution of Chloroplast matK Genes, Including Identification of New Homologues from Ophioglossum petiolatum and Two Lycophytes