200203 (47:1期)期所有篇 |
- 愛玉子葉部草酸鈣與碳酸鈣沉積物的形成 Formation of Calcium Oxalate and Calcium Carbonate Depositions in the Leaves of Ficus pumila L. var. awkeotsang (Makino) Corner
- 鎘處理百日草內鎘結合多胜肽 Cadmium-Binding Polypeptides in Cadmium-Treated Zinnia
- 甘藷基因ipomoelin之選殖與表現 Cloning and Expression of the Ipomoelin Gene from Sweet Potato
- 記台灣網柱細胞黏菌(I):細小網柱細胞黏菌、棍棒頭網柱細胞黏菌 Notes on Dictyostelid Cellular Slime Molds of Taiwan (1): Dictyostelium minutum and Dictyostelium clavatum
- 台灣管狀孢子囊接合菌之研究(II):兩種集珠黴屬新紀錄種 The Merosporangiferous Fungi from Taiwan (II): Two New Records of Syncephalis
- 英國櫟(Quercus robur L.)花粉粒之研究 Experimental Investigations on the Pollen Grains of Quercus robur L.
- 台灣海草之分類與分佈 Taxonomy and Distribution of Sea grasses in Taiwan
- 梧桐幼苗之幼莖及頂芽培植體的莖再生 Shoot Regeneration from Hypocotyl and Shoot Tip Explants of Sterculia foetida L. Derived from Seedlings