200003 (45:1期)期所有篇 |
- 在不同核酸形式下GTP和ATP對於噬菌種T7核醣核酸聚合酶轉錄的影響 Effects of GTP and ATP on the Transcription of T7 RNA Polymerase in the Linearized and Supercoiled DNA Templates
- 台灣始新統裸子植物化石花粉 Eocene Gymnospermous Palynomorphs of Taiwan
- 無根萍(浮萍科)之花部構造與花藥開裂 The Flower Structure and Anther Dehiscence of Wolffia arrhiza (Lemnaceae)
- 「印度蕨類簡志」補遺 Companion to ''A Census oflndian Pteridophytes''
- 根據形態及發育特徵重建的塔蘚科(灰蘚目)親緣 Phylogeny of the Hylocomiaceae (Mosses, Order Hypnales) Inferred from Ontogenetic and Morphological Characteristics
- 臺灣赤楊族群遺傳變異性之研究 Patterns of Genetic Variation of Alnus formosana in Taiwan
- 台灣南部南仁山長期生態研究區低地雨林的組成及植被類型 Species Composition and Vegetation Pattern of a Lowland Rain Forest at the Nanjenshan LTER Site, Southern Taiwan