196012 (7期)期所有篇 |
- 念珠藻與滿江紅 Anabaena azollae and Azolla pinnata
- 陽光對於印度田青生長與發展之研究 The study on the effect of light to the development and growth of Sesbania Sesban
- 臺灣及附近之裏白科 The Gleicheniaceae of Taiwan
- 臺灣薯蕷一新種,高氏薯蕷 Dioscorea Kaoi, a new Yam from Taiwan
- 臺灣蘚類植物研究之二 Study on Taiwan Hepaticae-Radula species collected in Taiwan
- Gibberellic acid對赤豆之蒸散作用及其他幾種反應之效果 Transpiration and some other responses of Adzuki bean (Phaseolus sp.) to gibberellic acid
- 臺灣北部之海藻 Marine algae of Northern Taiwan (Cyanophyta, Chlorophyta, Phaeophyta)
- 水稻幼苗對於氨態氮與硝酸態氮之利用及氨基酸的合成 The utilization of ammonium salts and nitrate salts and the synthesis of amino acids in the rice seedling
- 臺灣天南星屬植物之觀察 Notes on the Arisaema of Taiwan
- 臺灣特產植物 Plants of unusual economical value on Taiwan