202303 (94:1期)期所有篇 |
- 說張家山漢簡《二年律令‧秩律》的「詹事」並論漢初的太后、皇后兩宮官系統 Interpretation of “Zhanshi” (詹事) within the “Statutes on Salaries” in the Zhangjiashan Han Bamboo Slips: Early Han Systems of Palace Officials of the Empress Dowager and the Empress
- 北魏平城時期石牀的系譜:裝飾的觀點 The Chronology of Stone Beds from the Pingcheng Period of the Northern Wei: From the Perspective of Ornamentation
- 阿保機即位疑案重審——從草原傳統向華夏文化轉型中的另類歷史敘述 Revisiting Abaoji’s Rise to Power: Incongruous Historical Narratives and the Translation of Steppe Tradition into Sinitic Culture
- 從《四書大全》的刊刻看明代經學、科舉、出版與社會 Printing Sishu daquan (Complete Annotations of the Four Books): Confucian Classics, the Imperial Examination, Publishing, and Society in Ming China (1368–1644)