以黃色水盤誘集調查新建熱帶雨林溫室的昆蟲相 Using yellow water pans to study the insect fauna in a newly established climatron
臺灣產節蜱:十二種惠蓀林場花剌節蜱族(蟎蜱亞綱:節蜱總科:葉剌節蜱亞科) Eriophyoid Mites of Taiwan: Description of Twelve Species of Anthocoptini from Hueysuen (Acari: Eriophyoidea: Phyllocoptinae)
東方果實蠅對馬拉松的生化抗性機制探討 Biochemical mechanisms of malathion resistance in oriental fruit fly (Bactrocera dorsalis)
農藥溶劑更換對哺乳動物口服急毒性差異之評估 Safety evaluation in rats of alternative solvents for pesticides formulated with emulsifiable concentrate