文史臺灣學報 Taiwan Studies in Literature and History |
201406 (8期)期所有篇 |
- 台灣小說中新移民女性形象的形構 The Formation of New Female Immigrants' Images in Taiwanese Novels
- 施施而行的歷史幽靈:施叔青作品的思想轉折及其近代史觀 The Strolling Historical Specter: The turn of thought and the interpretation of modern history in Shih Shu-Ching's work
- 離散與家國之間:論張讓散文中跨界經驗與「局外人」身分 On the Boundary Between Separation and Home: The Transnational Experience and the 'Outsider' in the Essays of Chang Jang
- 從漢文化流域到北方國境線:日治時期臺灣公學校國語教科書中的「支那」言說與再現 From the Valley of Han Culture to the Northern National Border: The Discourse and Reinterpretation of 'Cina' in Japanese-language Textbooks in Ko-gakko in The Japanese Ruled Period in Taiwan
- 臺灣現代民間信仰的實踐:台中大坑奉天宮的田野實例 A experience of Taiwanese belief: A example of local temple in Taichung
- 意識形態之軌跡內外:論陳映真思想與寫作風格的轉向變遷 In-between the Trail of Ideology:An Analysis on Chen Ying-Zhen's Thoughts and Writing Style Trajectory
- 詛咒、反抗、救贖:從《咒之環》論李喬的文化論述及神學思想 Curse、Rebel、Salvation: On the Lee-Chou's Cultural Discourse and Theological Thoughts from 'The Circle of Curses'