台灣應用日語研究 Taiwan Journal of Applied Japanese Studies |
202206 (29期)期所有篇 |
- 關於現代漢語詞典中未收錄的同素逆序詞的來源 —以詞典中的實例和出處為中心― A study of the origin of modern Chinese dictionary-excluded words with identical but reversed morphemes—Centered on examples and origins in dictionaries—
- 角田光代文學中的母女關係 —以《空中庭園》《第八日的蟬》為例— The Mother-Daughter Relationships in Kakuta Mitsuyo's Works—An Exemplary Discursive Analysis of Hanging Garden and The Eighth Day—
- 專為非日語專攻學習者的課程設計 —透過製作作品培養日語運用能力的可能性— A Japanese Language Course Designed for Non Japanese Major Learners—Possibility of Developing Japanese Language Skills Through the Production of Works—
- 日語教育中人性化的嘗試 —以會話課為例— The attempt of human formation in Japanese language education—Taking a conversation class as an example—
- 在日中國留學生媒體意象之建構─從 2003 年到 2008 年 Japan Mass Media’s Image Development to Chinese International Students—From 2003 to 2008—
- 「日語學習網站與資料彙整」之建構與應用 The Application and the Construction of Japanese e-Learning Website and Data Collection